A special deal for early “Lindbergh in Montana” readers

Want to be one of the first to read my next (and fourth) book ... at a discounted price, with the added bonus of getting a free e-book on a subject related to the print book? Here’s the deal I’m offering to early readers of Lindbergh in Montana—An Air Adventurer Leaves a Legacy in the Treasure State.
The book will be in print just before Thanksgiving, early in the week of November 21-25. It’s being printed through Ingram Spark, meaning that you will be able to order it from your favorite local independent bookstore.
If you go that route, however, I probably won’t have a chance to sign your copy. Furthermore, you’ll pay the full list price of $17.95 for the paperback.
The option you have is to sign up for this newsletter and get a discount of 20 percent off the price. Moreover, you’ll get free shipping to your home or work address. I’m not Amazon — LOL — so I charge a $5 shipping and handling fee to send the book anywhere in the United States.
Thus, you’ll get a $22.95 value for $14.36. And I’ll throw in a free e-book, Before Lindbergh, to boot. That book describes more than a dozen pioneering Montana aviators who flew the state’s big skies in the decade before Lindbergh arrived here in 1922. The book is available in the three most common formats for e-books, Amazon’s; plus the format used for Apple Books, Barnes & Noble’s Nook reader, and the like; and PDF. Thus, whether you’re reading the book on your phone, your tablet, your e-book reader, or your computer, I’ve got you covered.
This offer is good until I’ve shipped 80 books to new newsletter subscribers, or until December 31, 2022, rolls around, whichever comes first.
And for those people who already subscribe to my newsletter, the same offer applies to you. If you express interest and use the purchase option on the Treasure State Press site, I’ll make sure you get a book at the discounted price.
What about signed copies? People in Montana should have no trouble getting theirs because I plan to have multiple author events this winter and into the spring. Tentatively, I plan to launch the book here in Billings at This House of Books. Two other priority stops in the upcoming months are in Helena at the Montana Historical Society and in Butte, site to be determined. I’m also researching sites in Great Falls and Missoula that would host this Montana author.
Not to forget ... I also plan to work out some arrangement with the fine people at the Country Bookshelf in Bozeman. The logistics there are a little more complicated. The store is in an old building on Main Street, and book signings take place on the second floor. The age and structure of the building means it’s not as well-ventilated as other buildings, so Country Bookshelf people have been holding virtual author events.
Be that as it may, if you buy a copy of the Lindbergh book and I don’t get a chance to sign it, email me, asking for an author bookplate. If you’re not familiar with these, they allow an author to sign what’s an essence a decorative design with adhesive on the back. The author mails the bookplate to you, the reader, and you stick it inside the book.
Happy Thanksgiving. And if it’s not too early to say this, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! I hope to see you somewhere in Montana and possibly somewhere else in the West during my travels on the independent author trail!